Tree House International School of Siem Reap - 2019/2020 Prospectus September 2019 | Page 5

WHAT MAKES OUR SCHOOL THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD? • Excellent Personal Development: Our Educational Program has been developed in a holistic way - which means it covers not only academic development but also personal, social, emotional and physical development, accompanied by an excellent understanding of the world we live in. • Small class sizes: To ensure personal attention, the ratio of staff to students is high and our class sizes are small (no more than 20 students per class). • Committed and Motivated Team: All members of our team are employed based on their drive to be the best that they can - at a personal level and also their overall contribution to the School. Regular performance reviews and training ensures that every team member is supported to grow and realise their full potential. • Rapid attainment of the English Language: Our established Phonics program is at the • core of our Literacy program - teaching children to read and write the English language. Phonics is a well established teaching approach for enabling children to hear, identify Excellent communications: We provide updates in a Phonics” variety method of and manipulate letters/sounds. At daily the Tree House we to use Parents the “Synthetic involves teaching the children to understand how letters or letter groups represent ways and hold which regular Parent-Teacher meetings to discuss student progress. individual sounds, and that those sounds are blended to form a word, Our Phonics Specialist has over 10 years experience helping children to learn to read and write in • Facilities: Modern purpose built indoor / classrooms, grassed several month irrespective of whether they are Native playground, / Non Native English speakers. areas, sports ground, music and dance studio, a well equipped library/IT room and outside cooking/activity areas. • Partnership with Parents: Parents are encouraged to be a part of school life and are invited to attend school events and accompany students on school trips. “ Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all “ Aristotle • Community: We pride ourselves on our students involvement with the local community, local organisations and NGOs - our regular school trips enrich the students learning about life outside of school.