On 6th October five runners took part in
the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Between
them they did a fantastic job and raised
over £4,000 for TREE AID’s vital work.
Could you run for
The Royal Parks Half Marathon is one of
the most scenic city runs in the world,
and is suitable for runners of all abilities.
The stunning route goes through four
of London’s autumnal royal parks,
and passes iconic landmarks such as
Buckingham Palace and the London Eye.
They wanted to help families in rural Africa
to be able to produce more from their
land, by taking part in an Autumnal welly
walk and ‘giving hunger the boot’.
A special thanks to everyone who has
been fundraising for TREE AID, including
Farnham Common Infant School
who raised over £150 by selling cakes
made from tree fruits the children had
researched, and Morgans Vale and
Woodfalls Primary School who raised £150
by making seed packets and filling them
with money.
Royal Parks Half Maratho
Timbergram produce stunning wooden
postcards that can be personalised with
a message, photo or design. A beautiful
way to brighten someone’s day – and
even better, for every 10 sold, Timbergram
will enable villagers in the drylands where
TREE AID works to plant another tree. Each
year Timbergram will help us plant 2,000
more trees.
Order a Timbergram online at
We support all runners with a running vest,
fundraising guide and support leading up
to the event.
The next Royal Parks Half Marathon takes
place in October 2014. To find out more or
if you would like to be part of team
TREE AID contact [email protected] or
call 0117 909 6363.
Maynards Green Community Primary
School in East Sussex raised nearly £200 for
TREE AID with a welly walk as part of their
Harvest Celebrations.
This donation from the health drinks
company will support rural women set
up and run their own businesses selling
things that grow on trees – particularly
with training for honey and shea butter
A special thanks goes to John Collenette
one of TREE AID’s trustees who got stuck
in and raised a fantastic £2,500 for his run,
and to Adam Thomas our highest raising
supporter who raised £840.
Adam had an official time of 2 hours
and 33 seconds, but having had to stop
mid race for the call of nature feels he is
entitled to claim under 2 hours! Adam’s
regime of pork scratchings and beer
made all the difference - this was his
second best time in his second ever half
marathon. His last half marathon was
20 years ago when he completed it 20
minutes quicker, so all in all not a bad
Welly good idea give hunger the boot!
A huge thanks to our corporate partner
Mangajo who have donated £1,000 to
TREE AID’s Women’s Forest Livelihoods
project in Burkina Faso.
Going the distance
Supporting Tree
Examples of Timbergrams wooden postcards
A woman makes shea butter
To find out more about setting
up a corporate partnership
supporting TREE AID please
[email protected],
or visit our website at
Students from Maynards Green Community Primary
School held an Autumn Welly Walk for TREE AID
fundraise for
If you would like to make a difference,
raise money for TREE AID by doing a
sponsored event or would like to organise
your own fundraising event, please get in
touch with us on 0117 9096363 or email
[email protected] and we can provide
you with resources to help with your