Treat Various Health Ailments Naturally With Black Pepper Oil Treat Various Health Ailments Naturally With Black | 页面 2

• Diuretic and Diaphoretic: Black pepper oil when ingested in a proper amount can promote sweating and urination. Its diaphoretic and diuretic properties play a vital role in removing the harmful toxins from the body. The excess bile, uric acid, fat, salts, urea are excreted via the urine and sweat. This, in turn, reduces weight, lowers the blood pressure and makes the body feel lighter and relaxed. • Antibacterial: The antibacterial properties of black pepper essential oil make it quite useful in treating bacterial infections in the colon, mouth, digestive system, and the urinary tract. It can be also used as a disinfectant as adding a small amount of the oil to food grains can protect them from bacteria for a long period of time. • Antirheumatic and Anti-arthritic: Loaded with anti-arthritic and antirheumatic properties, this pure spice oil is warm and stimulating. It can give immediate relief to the people suffering from arthritis, chronic rheumatism, and gout. It has to be noted that black pepper oil, when taken in excess amount, may cause unrest, uneasiness, vomiting, irritations, inflammation of the intestines, loose motions, and sleeplessness. However, the symptoms are not very serious. Having said that, in case of any contact with eyes and nose, it may cause sneezing, irritation, and burning of the eyes. Black pepper essential oil particularly blends well with carrier and base oils ( such as Lemon, Lavender, Sandalwood, sage, Mandarin, Lime, Bergamot, Clove, Ginger, Coriander, Geranium, Fennel, Grapefruit, etc. Try to get this pure spice oil from a certified spice oils supplier to enjoy its optimum benefits. Original source: