Treasured: Teaching Girls (PREVIEW) Curriculum Preview | Page 13

MODULENINE PAGE 179 LESSON 2 GIRLS AS ENTREPRENEURS God has gifted each of us with skills, talents and passions to use designing apps selling handmade goods mowing lawns tutoring designing clothes or shoes blogging   starting a Youtube channel or online radio  dog walking car washing graphic designing house cleaning   making body products for His glory. Often, these same skills and talents can be sources of income.  There are many different ways to leverage your passions and abilities to generate income for yourself and your family.  Even if you never considered yourself a business person or an entrepreneur, you may be surprised at how easy it could be to earn money doing things you already do and really enjoy.  Developing an idea to meet a need or solve a problem, and earning income from it, is essentially what entrepreneurship is all about. Many entrepreneurs starting experimenting with ideas at a young age and just keep working at it till it becomes profitable. Some start later in life and invest the time and resources necessary to see it flourish.  Is t here something you enjoy doing that you may be able to earn income from? What would you be able to do in your future if you started earning and saving money today? Are you already developing a creative idea or earning income doing side jobs? If yes, how are you ensuring that the money you earn is put to good use and not wasted? babysitting Consider the different small business ideas listed on the left  website design photography that a girl your age could manage. If you aren't already, it may be time to start planning how to increase your earning potential and get serious about earning and saving.  Step out and try something doing hair or nails new! It could lead to something wonderful in your future!