Treasure Magazine volumme 4 | Page 12

Treasure magazine

Most people have no problem

describing their ideal honey moon . After all , movies , TV shows and books often depict honey moon as one of the happiest times of a person ' s life . Of course that idea of what honey moon means is correct if ' happy times ' does not imply all the luxury couples get themselves into nowadays in the name of honey Moon . If I may ask , what is your understanding of honey moon ?

How to Have A Forever Honey Moon Experience

But , it ' s apparent for us to understand the three etymologies of the words Honey Moon .
1 . Moon Cycle : It was the period when “ newly-weds ” celebrated their nuptials at a particular cycle of the moon with a honey based alcohol ( hence , honey Moon ) aimed at establishing intimacy between the couple .
2 . Fleeting Love : This was the period that people had a lot of skepticism about love and the success of marriages . At that time , honey moon refers to the sweet period of a new marriage ( the honey and the cyclical fleeting nature of the moonit means the sweetness of a new marriage is not a constant .
3 . Bridal Tour : It was time to tour to visit friends and family members who could not make it to their weeding .
Having known how Honey Moon came about and what they meant at those times , I guess it ’ s imperative for you as a person to define what Honey Moon means to you then we can take it up from there .
Honey Moon is that period when “ newly-weds ” have thrilling euphoria and amazing connectedness for each other , having no barriers nor feeling of embarrassment in exposing themselves to each other which make them enjoy a
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