Treasure Magazine Volume 5 | Page 10

Treasure Magazine
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes also called insulin dependent diabetes or called juvenile-onset diabetes because it often begins from childhood . It is an autoimmune condition . Its caused by the body attacking its own pancreas with antibodies thus the damaged pancreas doesn ’ t make insulin . It ’ s caused by a genetic predisposition and could also be the result of faulty beta cells in the pancreas that normally produce insulin . Treatment for type 1 diabetes involves taking insulin , which needs to be injected through the skin into fatty tissue below .
Type 2 Diabetes
This is the most common form of diabetes accounting for 95 % of diabetes cases in adults . It was called adult-onset diabetes , but with the epidemic of obsessed and overweight kids , more teenagers are now developing type 2 diabetes . It ’ s also called non-insulin dependent diabetes . It ’ s actually milder than type 1 nevertheless it causes major health complications . Particularly in the smallest blood vessels that nourish the kidneys , nerves and eyes . It also increases risk to heart disease and stroke . With type 2 diabetes the pancreas usually produces some insulin . Lack of sensitivity to insulin witnessed here happens primarily in fat , liver and muscle cells . Thus its common with obese people .