Treasure Magazine
Volume 6
focus on something, be it business, career e.t.c you have to ask yourself
these questions.....
1. What do I want to achieve
2. How can I achieve this?
3. Why must I achieve it?
4. Is it even worth it?
5. Am I so passionate about this dream?
7. Where am I heading to and many more questions.
You have to understand that visions must be birthed and rebranded
before it can become a reality. Take a very good example of a woman in
labor, she focus to push out her baby, she don’t get distracted by the
pain she's going through, she's not distracted by the Doctor or other
sights, she only focus bearing all pains and pushing harder to bring out
her baby.
Nothing good comes cheap therefore you will not get something for
Successful men like Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and others
became successful by the power of focus, they didn't quit, and they
gave it all their concentration because they know where they are
heading to. Those who gets to greater heights in life, career, business
are those who focus, those who are strong and determined never to
give up, they are those who have fought never to relent and give up on
life's battles, those who can never give in to distractions , those who
See's every impossibility around them possible, they set their targets
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