Treasure Magazine Treasure_Magazine_8 | Page 10

Treasure Magazine volume 8 handsome enough? You are a unique creature; love yourself. You think you have a terrible past? Your past doesn't define you, your present state does, Love yourself, love your faults, appreciate yourself and work on developing yourself for a better you. 2. Stop being the pleaser always: stop trying to be the one always doing the pleasing, this happen because you believe that you are not worthy of another's love. Realize that each individual in a relationship has a need/want (including you), allow your need to be known. You deserve to be pleased. Don't be the one who is always desperate to keep the relationship. 3. Stop compromising your faith/standards: this is very important, don't compromise your faith or standard just to keep a relationship. Know what you want and be bold enough to go for it, also be bold enough to walk out of a relationship that is against your faith. "I am a Christian, sex before marriage is a sin. I wouldn't compromise that to be in a relationship, no matter who is involved"." I am a lady, and I should be treated with Honour and properly, when my partner begin to insult and physically abuse me regularly, I wouldn't compromise that standard to be with him, I will walk out of the relationship(unless in a more complicated state like after 10