Treasure Magazine Treasure_magazine_7 | Page 13 TreasureMagazine7 20Thingsyoucando toburnbellyfat In the last volume of this magazine we outlined 20 things you could do to burn belly fats and we also said there will be more in the next volume. So here are the other twenty tips to follow in burning belly fats. 1 Eat your food with less speed. Simply put, eat slower. This is because when you do this, the tendency to eat more food is altered also u get satisfied faster when you eat slower. 2. Make sure your breakfast contains more of protein and healthy fats than sugar. 3. Drink less water or any drink as the case may be when eating. 4. Chew your food properly when eating for faster digestion of the food. 5. As much as possible make sure you eat not less than 3hours before going to bed. Of cause you should know that the body metabolic rate when you are sleeping is slower 12