Treasure Coast Sports Journal Spring 2014 Spring 2014 | Page 5
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ure Coast Sports Journal and its holding company, National And we are giving back by sponsoring the 2014 Mike PiSports Publishing Group, as a shareholder and Vice Presi- cano Senior All Star Baseball Classic and the 2014 Treasure
dent of Business Services / CFO. William brings not only a Coast Coach’s Baseball Player of the Year.
passion for this product to the comWe could not have done any of this without you – our
pany, but a sharp business
readers and without the companies around the
sense from his years as a
Treasure Coast that support youth sports by bebusiness banker at both
lieving in us – believing that we have a great
local and national fiproduct that people actually want to read
nancial institutions.
and look at. Thanks just does not seem say
As the transformation goes from a one
WOW - It’s been an amazing spring!
man show to a fullfledged publication with
multiple product offerings
Williams’s talent and expertise
will help take Treasure Coast Sports
Ned Schuster
Publisher / Chief Photographer
Journal to the next level.
Have there been mistakes made as this roll out gets underway? You had better believe it. But you, our readers, fans
and subscribers have called us out on these mistakes and
we have done our best to correct each and every one of
them while learning important lessons along the way.
Treasure Coast Sports Journal now goes from a simple idea
with one person behind the effort to a full blow publication
committed to bringing the communities we serve editorial
coverage on youth and high school athletic events in a way
that has never been seen here in the four county region.
And what we are doing is getting a
whole lot of attention. Not only have
we had the publishers and editors
reading our stories and opening our
electronic newsletters, but we actually
had another magazine publisher offer
to buy us out recently. But don’t worry
we are not for sale and have no intention
of letting go of our product.
This issue of Treasure Coast Sports Journal is the biggest
yet. 76 all color pages loaded with 150 killer photographs
and positive stories. We are also printing more than we
ever have before – 5,000 with different covers for Martin,
St. Lucie and Indian River Counties.
Shop Local
Publisher & Chief Photographer
Ned Schuster
[email protected]
Vice President
Business Operations / CFO
William Tally Jr.
[email protected]
Treasure Coast Sports Journal, LLC is
published by National Sports Publishing
Group, Inc. a locally owned and operated
Florida Corporation. Our mailing address
is PO Box 881564 Port St. Lucie, FL
All material contained herein is copyrighted by
Treasure Coast Sports Journal, LLC