Treasure Coast News, Business and Community October 2012 | Page 28

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Social Media Networking

Anyone who has studied sales, will know the importance of making appointments. Without appointments and coming face-to-face with the client, one has no hope of getting the order, but according to today's method of successful sales, rapport is best built through social media networking,

The questions asked most often, are:

* what do I post on my

social network?

* Should it be strictly

business or can I post

jokes and silly pictures?

Should I have a personal

network and one for only


You could do either ~ it's entirely up to you, however, remember than nothing is private anymore and if you have friends or family members who drop the 'F' bomb, as an example, this

is very likely going to be seen by your prospective

and existing clients.

It is important for your

'ideal client' to see you as

a real person and sharing funny stories, family experiences and humorous pictures portrays you as a person - not a robot. People will relate better to you, if they see your silly side, but be sure to balance this with a sound, serious side.

Bringing religion and/or politics into the business realm is never a good idea, as you are sure to alienate

a percentage of your


Posting educational articles or inspirational quotes will give veiwers the idea that you are compassionate and will likely be caring of their needs.

Helpful hints related to your industry or intriguing or thought provoking questions will draw the reader in and might leave them wanting more.

As an example:

"Six things your bank doesn't want you to know"

" Secrets to winning more clients, NOW!"

Remember, when reading your posts, if your reader can say 'So what', you have lost their interest, but if they say: 'Yes! That's ME!', you have created rapport!

Leverage your social networks, to create an AVALANCHE of business!