Treasure Coast News, Business and Community Feb. 2012 | Page 12

12 - TCnbc Magazine

Do you go into your closet

with the words "What can I wear?" and

come away empty-handed? Chances are that your closet is cluttered and full of years-gone-by clothing that needs to be cleared!

There IS a system to clearing closet clutter that can leave you with a wardrobe that is easy to live with and still stylish, with a range of mix-and-match items to maximize your pocket!

First, establish what size you are!

Have you gained weight? ... Lost weight? .... Still the same? If your dress (Suit) size has changed, ask yourself if you plan to get back into that size and if the answer is "No", move that clothing to another closet or to storage.

Remove any 'holiday-type' clothing: Christmas/ Halloween/Valentine's Day etc and move this to another closet

Of the remaining clothing, separate the seasonal clothing

(winter/summer). Here in Florida, summer clothing takes

precedence and therefore, winter clothing should be moved to

another closet/room, leaving only the clothing that you would wear for the majority of the year. If the seasonal, winter and holiday garments will occupy the same closet, separate them with ribbon ties, so you can easily glance at the relevant category.

Of the remaining clothing in your closet, you should separate pants into one section, T-shirts into another section. Suits belong together... dresses together... dress shirts together etc.

Now, tackle each category of clothing and arrange each by color - all blacks together, all reds together etc.

It really helps if you use one type of clothes hanger. If you are part of a family, each person can have a different color clothes hanger. This way, it's easier to sort/pick up the laundry from the laundry room, by hanger color.

Here's a biggie: GET RID OF ALL DRY CLEANERS WIRE HANGERS! They are untidy, they tangle and they never hang straight so your closet always looks like a mess! For those shirts/blouses that constantly fall off the hangers, buy the type that are velvet coated - they hold the garment in place.

And remember: if you haven't worn it in the last year, it belongs on a yard sale!

How many pairs of black pants do you have? You don't need more than 3, so move the others to another closet.

Get organized! It will breathe new life into the clothing you already have by maximizing your ideas!