We understand that transactions don ’ t keep business hours , and the TRC process is structured to be responsive to a client ’ s need to make timely business decisions within tight due diligence timeframes and budgets . TRC also recognizes the competitive nature within today ’ s global investment community and its need to rely on accurate and confident subject matter conclusions that reasonably bracket cost uncertainties critical to bids , and to the ultimate deal price .
TRC ’ s senior deal professionals have an average experience of over 20 years in providing environmental advice and would be happy to discuss the context of your transaction and potential environmental risks and opportunities associated with it ahead of progressing formal diligence .
About TRC Contacts
A pioneer in groundbreaking scientific and engineering developments since the 1960s , TRC is an engineering , environmental consulting and construction management firm providing integrated services to the power , oil and gas , environmental , infrastructure markets . From more than 120 offices throughout the U . S ., our 4,100 employees serve a broad range of commercial , industrial and government clients , implementing complex projects from initial concept to operations .
USA : Daniel Weed dweed @ trcsolutions . com Office : + 1 513 489 2255 Mobile : + 1 513 505 5851 11231 Cornell Park Drive , Cincinnati , Ohio 45242 , USA
UK : Will Nitch-Smith wnitch-smith @ trcsolutions . com Office : + 44 20 7812 0620 Mobile : + 44 7779 161 449 175-185 Gray ’ s Inn Road , London WC1X 8UE , UK www . trcsolutions . com