TRC Corporate brochure TRC_International Global Footprint
Transaction Support
TRC is a leading advisor on environmental and sus-
tainability risk associated with global corporate and
private equity mergers and acquisitions. Through
our unique combination of technical, business,
insurance and financial expertise, we assess
and quantify environmental risk and collaborate
with your team of advisors to develop innovative
solutions that enable the transaction to close with
the best possible outcome.
Global Footprint, Local Intelligence
The TRC team is located across the US and UK
and has been working on global transactions since
the early 1990s. We work with our Global Partner
Network to identify environmental risks at target
assets world-wide, understand them fully in the
context of local regulation and communicate them
to the deal team in a clear and consistent manner.
Combined, the TRC and Global Partner Network
advisors bring a wealth of local experience to any
deal, enabling the deal team to have extensive
knowledge of established and emerging environ-
mental regulations, including carbon, water, product
compliance and supply chain issues.
Advice Throughout the Ownership Cycle
TRC works with investors throughout the ownership
phase, to manage any environmental risks and
maximize the return on any environmental invest-
ment. Immediately post-transaction, we assist with
the development of 100-Day Integration Plans that:
(1) identify requirements/opportunities; (2) prioritize
time and expenditures; and (3) allow for the moni-
toring/measuring of progress. TRC can support the
plan implementation and respond to any emerging
environmental issues and opportunities throughout
the ownership period.
Creative, dedicated experts delivering results you can rely on.