CONDUCTING BUSINESS WITH ETHICS AND INTEGRITY Our commitment to strict ethical standards contributes directly to the professional reputation of our Company . TRC ’ s approach to ethical business transactions is guided by our corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics . The Code is principles-based and assumes the application of professional judgment . The Board of Directors Audit Committee meets quarterly to discuss corporate compliance matters .
Employees must periodically acknowledge compliance with and complete required training on our Code .
We have a fundamental commitment to treating our employees with the highest level of dignity and respect as communicated in our employee handbook . Discrimination against or harassment of our employees for any reason will not be tolerated .
TRC is committed to partnerships with suppliers that also share our dedication to conducting business in a legal , ethical , and socially responsible manner . Our Supplier Code of Conduct clarifies our expectations in the areas of business integrity , labor practices , human rights , employee health and safety and environmental management .
Respecting Human Rights
We are committed to respecting all human rights , as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , the International Covenant on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights , and the International Labor Organization ’ s ( ILO ) Declarationon Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work .
Our Human Rights Policy applies to all TRC employees , contractors , subcontractors , vendors , suppliers , partners and others through whom we conduct business .
Our Business Code of Conduct states our commitment to properly respond to inquiries by government officials . Employees refer any governmental inquiries or notices to the Chief Risk Officer who is responsible for coordinating a full and timely response , including corrective actions if warranted .
The TRC Ethics Hotline and Ethicspoint reporting website are resources for all employees and Suppliers . An ethics officer is in place and is accessible to our employees and partners .