Supporting our Women ’ s Network
In FY19 , we launched the TRC Women ’ s Network GROW , which stands for Gaining Rewarding Opportunities for Women . The Network ’ s mission is to provide a forum to promote career development and advancement for women in our workforce . Since launching , we have a greater level of engagement than originally anticipated , growing from three regional pilot chapters to 17 chapters with over 400 members .
People Committee
The 2020 People Committee , as with previous years , was designed to represent all TRC , with employees being nominated from each of our four Sectors , our functional teams and spanning our diverse employee population in terms of age , gender , background and experience levels . The Committee provides our Human Resources and Operating leaders with priorities and inputs on the key elements ( workplace , benefits , development & culture ) that make TRC a great place to work .
Some of the initiatives our People Committee coordinated and supported this year include :
Each chapter of the Women ’ s Network meets regularly and has developed a charter and areas of interest unique to them . Chapter activities include attending local industry conferences , sponsoring events , crosssector education and engaging in discussions about a varietyof women ’ s issues .
Some highlights from the past year include :
■ BOLD Workshop – we had 58 participants in our pilot career development workshop . The participants provided great insights for us to build upon as we create a framework to help women navigate TRC careers .
■ GWIC Conference – over 20 women and men from TRC attended the Groundbreaking Women in Construction Conference in San Francisco , an annual event presented by Engineering News Record . This conference received high marks from our TRC attendees and focused on issues and insights for women in the industry .
■ The GROW Network hosted a webinar addressing the challenges of working from home as part of our pandemic response .
■ Promoting better company communications via our virtual Townhalls series for our Sectors and all-TRC .
■ Providing critical feedback to management to facilitate change management for new initiatives like the Work from Home Policy and the 2021 healthcare model for TRC benefits .
■ Connecting employees virtually through social forums such as coffee talks , happy hours , and targeted webinar sessions on targeted topics to support our working parents .
■ Sponsoring company-wide concerts - engaging employees and supporting local artists .
■ Developing Affinity Groups on TRC ’ s internal social media platform to foster connections around topics of personal interest to employees ranging from parenting , to pets , to cooking and even superheroes .
46 2020 Sustainability Report