TRC 2020 Sustainability Report | Page 16

Addressing climate change challenges requires both mitigation and adaption strategies . The combination of energy and digital innovations with renewable energy ’ s cost competitiveness is transforming the landscape of energy services . Technology cost reductions have resulted in a rapid growth in variable renewable sources of generation , requiring the electrical grid to be structured and operated differently to ensure a reliable supply . The increased capacity of solar , wind , energy storage , combined heat and power ( CHP ) and other distributed energy resources ( DER ) also provides an opportunity to enhance resiliency in critical areas .
Energy providers and decision-makers are navigating a dynamic and decentralizing industry , with many risks and opportunities . They want clean , efficient , and resilient energy systems — and we empower them to succeed in the new landscape . We do this by conceptualizing and implementing the full spectrum of energy management solutions , from energy efficiency to distributed energy resources .
Between fiscal years 2016 and 2020 TRC increased revenue from clean energy services , including renewable energy , energy efficiency and energy storage , by 340 %.
In 12 months , our Advanced Energy group managed projects that saved over 11 billion kilowatt-hours . That ’ s equivalent to …
All 5,100 TRC employees being carbon neutral for
All TRC employees ’ household electricity
consumption for
TRC employees planting

103 years

212 years

145 million new trees


Year-over-year growth in revenue from clean energy services

340 % 1

Growth in revenue from clean energy services
1 : From FY16 to FY20
14 2020 Sustainability Report