In FY14 the Sustainability Committee , led by our Sustainability Director , under the direction of the CEO , conducted an initial Materiality Assessment , which has informed our strategy and program initiatives over the past 5 years . We have now reached a new milestone in our program with the achievement of our 2020 sustainability targets and the launching of our new commitments for 2025 . The status of our progress against our 2020 targets is included throughout this report . Metrics and milestones achieved against our 2025 Sustainability Commitments will be included in future reports .
This year we also reviewed and updated our Materiality Assessment . Of the issues considered , the ones identified below reflect the areas of highest importance to our business and key stakeholders . These issues are incorporated into our sustainability strategy .
Engagement with our clients , thought leaders , employees , and investors informs our materiality assessment and focuses our efforts on the areas of greatest importance to our business .
Each material aspect applies to some degree to all of our business units as well as to our external stakeholders . The issues we deemed material are identified in the upper right quadrant and reflect balanced accountability for environmental , social and governance issues . Results of the Materiality Assessment align with our internal Enterprise Risk Assessment , key account priorities , client surveys and New Mountain Capital ESG Scorecard outcomes . Our assessment process provides a means to periodically evaluate our focus areas and concentrate on those areas of greatest impact .
Materiality Assessment
Significance to TRC Stakeholders + High
Significance to TRC Stakeholders + High _ Low
Waste Reduction
_ Low
Supplier Assessment
Emissions & Climate Change
Training & Education
Significance to TRC Business
Heath & Safety
+ High
_ Low
_ Low Significance to TRC Business
+ High
8 2020 Sustainability Report