Sustainability is a fundamental principle that drives our
business. Our commitment is reflected in the vision
statement that guides us every day:
We will solve the challenges of making the Earth
a better place to live – community by community
and project by project.
Through our continuing commitment to developing
top talent, deepening our understanding of our clients’
needs, and delivering sustainable solutions to the
communities in which we live and work, we are tackling
some of the most pressing energy, environmental, and
infrastructure challenges the world faces.
Our integrated and forward-looking approach balances
economic growth, social responsibility and environmen-
tal stewardship, and creates lasting value for our stake-
holders: our clients, our employees, our investors, and
the communities where we live and work.
With this in mind, we embrace not only our own internal
footprint improvements - with targets for reductions in
energy use and fleet emissions and increases in em-
ployee engagement and recycling programs - but we
also collaborate with clients to design solutions with
tangible and quantifiable results that provide ongoing
benefits, long after a project’s completion.
We appreciate input and feedback on our sustainable business
practices, our performance to date, and our reporting content and
format. We encourage you to share your thoughts and send us your
questions. We look forward to feedback on this report as we seek to
strengthen our engagement process and dialogue.
Point of Contact: Karen Lutz, TRC Sustainability Director
[email protected]