TRC 2018 Sustainability Report TRC 2018 Sustainability Report | Page 28

IMPROVING OUR FOOTPRINT We manage and improve our environmental footprint through established targets for energy use, transporta- tion, and material management. In FY18 we also began to explore the water usage in our offices. As we continue to grow our company and headcount, we strive to make our offices and fleet more efficient. Energy Use Based on the nature of our business, energy consump- tion associated with our office footprint is one of the significant ways we impact the environment through associated emissions. We have committed to reduce our energy consumption by 20% 2020, normalized to full-time employees. Even with the roll-in of CALTROP Corp. in our metrics and continued growth of our business, we saw our FY18 absolute office energy consumption decrease by 3% year over year. 2020 TARGET Reduce energy consumption in our operational footprint and within our service delivery 14 % 2 Reduction in energy consumption, normalized to FTEs 2: since 2014 baseline 26 2018 Sustainability Report When normalized to headcount, we have achieved 14% reduction in energy consumption since our baseline was set in 2014. Operational efficiencies, including redesigning office space, employing more energy efficient technologies, and promoting awareness and behavioral changes have contributed to this reduction. Moving forward, we foresee significant opportunity to improve our energy efficiency by incorporating energy use considerations in our office space lease negotiations. In FY18, we created a new database which serves as a repository for all sustainability data not collected through other TRC systems. In this database, we man- age all of our energy data for our offices and aggregate across the organization. This allows for greater control over our data to ensure our reported numbers are accurate and complete. 2020 TARGET Reduce our carbon footprint associated with our company vehicular travel .04 % 2 Decrease in CO2 emissions per mile for fleet passenger vehicles and light duty trucks