We are also committed to making a difference in our own operations and
continue to advance our 2020 Sustainability targets. In FY17 we achieved
a 12% reduction in energy use within our offices, over our 2014 baseline.
We have achieved a 27% reduction in paper use over the past two years
and 95% of our offices are currently recycling. Moving forward we will be
looking for additional opportunities within our supply chain. We have already
launched teams to provide guidance on green leases and procurement prac-
tices, as well as subcontractor screening for sound environmental practices.
TRC’s core values steer us toward shared success. We continue to
emphasize our strong commitment to health and safety and have made
significant investments in our program over the last year, including
investments in technology and additional safety professionals. While
“zero incidents/zero harm” will always be our goal, I am proud of our
performance, as reflected in the reduced Total Recordable Incident Rate
(TRIR) of .48 for FY17.
Our network of sustainability champions continues to grow across our
business, driving change on the ground, exchanging best practices and
collaborating on sustainable methodologies and technologies. We value all
voices as we build a business embracing new generations, incorporating
both novel and trusted ideas. Through teamwork, creativity and passion
we can advance positive social and environmental outcomes – providing a
tremendous opportunity to achieve our Vision while creating lasting value
for our clients, our employees and all stakeholders.
We thank you for your support and welcome feedback on our program
and progress.
Christopher P. Vincze
Chairman and CEO of TRC