A world of travellers , a world of TRAVERSE ; we wouldn ' t exist without the many inspiring people who get on their bikes and ride . They ' ll all tell you they did nothing special , just something that they loved - they got on their bikes ...
In this issue of TRAVERSE -
Francesco and Serena have been bike bound travellers for around 10 years , covering most of the world , at least within the Northern Hemisphere . Covid slowed them , but didn ' t stop them . They ' ve taken us to the Faroe Islands ... and we ' ve found no pyramids ...
Emilio and Christina are travellers who love Europe and their home of Italy . Their stories are unique , with a heavy slant to history and culture , they ' re sharing the best of Europe so come along for a ride ... they take us on a historical tour of Italy .
Phil is a two wheeled vagabond who sees the world around him from a different perspective . Phil shares his perspective with beautiful images and words ...
We ' re back into New South Wales with Phil , we discover he ' s ' old ' but not out .