TRAVERSE Issue 29 - April 2022 | Page 7

Drop us a line if you have a story to tell , we ' re always keen to hear and share the adventure - editor @ traverse-magazine . com
Chris is The Blind Scooter Guy , just a few years ago losing his eyesight Has it stopped him ? Certainly not , adventure is his life . Riding pillion , on a KTM , Chris discovers Another Advantage Of Being Blind ... Chris is the author of a number of acclaimed books including How I Became The Blind Scooter Guy
Tom is a late starter to bike riding and a self-confessed unaccomplished rider , it hasn ' t stopped him as he discovers his part of the world , the wilds of Tasmania .
Seeing things with a different perspective is confronting yet refreshing , Will sees the dirt , the grit , the struggle , and it ' s still refreshing . It ' s a unique way of seeing the world .
In this issue of Traverse Will meets some of best people to ride with as he takes on the Gilbraltar Race .
Derek says travelling alone opens multiple opportunities for cultural exchange , and who are we to argue ? He rides a bike called ' Moto Gelato ', see it and you ' ll understand why . Derek ' s writings are a joy to behold and we ' d normally suggest you sit and enjoy , this time prepare for an education as Derek describes his experience of Ukraine .