TRAVERSE Issue 24 - June 2021 | Page 5



Open Your Eyes , Carry On !

Travel is supposed to open our eyes , broaden our minds , yet most of us at some point become blinded by what we see and therefore believe , can ’ t see the forest for the trees you might say .

In recent times of lockdowns and restricted living my eyes had been forced open , I ’ ve explored my local area , my suburb , more than ever and these urban adventures , on foot , bicycle , and motorbike , have opened my eyes on a micro level to the world that surrounds me . The people , cultures , and attitudes have all come into focus and I ’ ve become thankful that I live in one of Australia ’ s most multicultural areas . Yet I was still blind .
A few weeks back I caught up with Roz Veersma as she rode through Victoria on her round Australia ride . She mentioned that she wanted to ride through the Grampians , a small mountain range in southern Australia . I mentioned my disappointment , stating that it ’ s all very touristy and most of the roads are sealed , and while good fun to ride , not particularly
challenging . I ’ d ridden this area many times and I knew all . Roz shrugged and suggested we still go .
I ’ m thankful we did . My eyes were forced open in a way that only Roz can , I saw a part of the Grampians I never knew existed , here was a whole new world to me . I was shown rides that will be revisited and explored further . Thank you Roz .
In that short time , I learned that none of us should assume that we know everything about ‘ our ’ world and we should continue to explore , even on a local level while travelling much further afield is restricted . Explore locally , discover new streets , new local cultures , new encounters … and open your eyes . Read about our time with Roz later in this issue and … carry on !
