When Dark Days End.
e’ve all been affected by the
outbreak of Coronavirus
(COVID-19) yet, less than 1%
(as of April 5, 2020) of the
world’s population has contracted
the virus and far fewer have died as a
result. The fact remains we have all
been affected by it.
The world has gone into shutdown,
economies are collapsing and
governments are scrambling to find
a solution. Mass panic has seen
supermarket shelves stripped of
things like pasta, mince meat and
toilet paper, of all things. This effect
has been much greater than the virus
A recent ride through Australia’s
Gippsland region, before the
lockdown, to source information and
images for a story in a coming issue
of Traverse, I was astounded to find
that people had been stealing toilet
paper from public toilets. It was just
the beginning.
Small businesses, and it’s a
situation throughout the world, are
feeling the flow on effects of the
hysteria. It’s hard to comprehend
the hardships that these businesses
are feeling through the short-term
strain we have all been put through
however, for these businesses, these
people, it will continue well into the
future, some may never see the end
… never recover.
We, as motorcycle travellers can do
a little to help. When the government
enforced exile has been lifted take
a ride, no matter where you are and
spend a little money; buy a coffee, a
beer or a meal. It might help a local
business not go out of business.
And, ask a stranger how they’re
doing. A simple question can
help a hell of a lot, especially in
understanding what they are going
through, how they’ve been impacted.
The Coronavirus crisis will
subside, the virus will eventually
become a normal part of human life,
economies will bounce back but the
flow on effects for individuals and
small business will be long lasting.
When it all passes and things return
to some level or normality, jump on
your bike, go for a ride, buy a meal,
consider a longer ride, a tour or your
own overland adventure …