A world of travellers, a world of TRAVERSE ; we wouldn't exist without the many inspiring people who get on their bikes
and ride. They'll all tell you they did nothing special, just something that they loved - they got on their bikes ...
In this issue of TRAVERSE -
Rick Lavers lives in near Chigar-
go on a small hobby farm. He's
retired, sort of, still teaching in
the USA and Europe but it's trav-
el he loves and his passion for
motorcycling long distances has
taken him across the world.
Craig has completed many
Compass Expedition tours,
makes sense, he works for
them. Through the tours he
sees amazing places and wants
to share the world with us.
At the age of 50 Jacqui gave her-
self a present; a Royal Enfield.
She set off to travel, for one year
with no plans ... seven years
later, she's sort of settled ... sort
of ...
Maria is a travel writer and
photographer who loves sharing
her adventures, especially when
in India. They're great adven-
tures, so why not join Maria?