TRAVERSE Issue 12 - June 2019 | Page 3

Issue #12 5 EDITORIAL - H itting T he R oad ! 6 CONTRIBUTORS - W ho I s D oing W hat 8 NEWS 10 10 I'M NOT EXACTLY BUILT FOR RACING 18 TRAVEL FEATURE - S outh A merica 34 ADVENTIRE BIKE - E nfield B ullet 500 40 TRAVEL FEATURE - R ussia 52 RUSSIAN VISA 56 TRAVEL FEATURE - C uba 70 PORTRAIT - H eather E llis 76 TRAVEL FEATURE - A ustralia 86 RIDE ON W hen L ife G oes S ideways 92 TRAVEL FEATURE - S outh A frica 100 WHAT A LOAD OF BULLER 34 104 TRAVEL FEATURE - I ndia 114 GEAR 118 REVIEWS 122 PRODUCTS 125 WINNERS ... & Grinners! FRONT COVER: Clement Rouche, KLR650, South America. 104 Pic - Clement Rouche TRAVERSE Traverse Publications 22/50 Hudsons Rd, Spotswood VIC 3015 Australia Ph +61 417 437 197 Web ISSN 22091319 ABN 30153990674 Editor Leigh Wilkins [email protected] TRAVERSE 3 Advertising Megan Governi [email protected] Copyright 2018. All material may not be reproduced or copied in any form without written permission of the publisher. Long Rider Publications believes that all material is correct at the time of publication, and is not liable for any information that is incorrect within these pages.