A world of travellers, a world of TRAVERSE ; we wouldn't exist without the many inspiring people who get on their bikes
and ride. They'll all tell you they did nothing special, just something that they loved - they got on their bikes ...
In this issue of TRAVERSE -
Tim Notier was never really a
traveller, never venturing far
from home. Reunited with a
highschool sweetheart changed
things, thrust into a world of
adventure he set out to travel
the world and he's sharing some
of the adventure with us ...
A writer of note, a traveller too.
Lawrence Bransby enjoys noth-
ing more than sharing his ad-
ventures; 7 travel books is proof
of that. Sit back, enjoy the ride
and find that you've taken on
more than you expected.
Alex visited South Africa in
1998, rode a bike for a week
then fell in love. The pull of Af-
rica was such that he returned
again and again, now he wants
you to be a part of the adven-
At the age of 50 Jacqui gave her-
self a present; a Royal Enfield.
She set off to travel, for one year
with no plans ... seven years
later, she's sort of settled ... sort
of ...
Ben loves motorsport, especial-
ly that of the two wheeled vari-
ety. An avid photographer he's a
collector of images and through
his lens we see the world.