A world of travellers, a world of TRAVERSE ; we wouldn't exist without the many inspiring people who get on their
bikes and ride. They'll all tell you they did nothing special, just something that they loved - they got on their bikes ...
In this issue of TRAVERSE -
Johanna Bryant, a time-tossed
coffee-fueled vagrant, takes us
through Colombia, guided by
local knowledge. She's with her
husband Josh and together they
are the Adventures of JB2.
Ryan Jaffe, he's a photographer,
he's an Australian, and he takes
us to the USA. Aboard 'Mad
Mavis' we'll get taken to plac-
es we've often heard about but
Ryan's take is a different spin.
Jump aboard ...
Iris is a traveller, always has
been, always will be ... she used
this to work in India and Ecua-
dor, and she has a lot to teach us.
Together with boyfriend Jonas
they take us on A Travellers Tale
through the Asian sub-continent
and south east.
David Pueyo joins us for a ride
through South and Central
America. He takes us exploring
and puts it all 'in our hands'.