Thank you, every-
one of you!
ince launching the first is-
sue of Traverse two months
ago it's been a chaotic time,
it's been a great time. And
we can only thank people
like you; the readers, the
contributors, and the supporters.
Personally, I never envisioned that
the response to Traverse would be as
positive as it has been. Sure, there's
been a few nay-sayers, however the
overwhelming majority of comments
have been extremely positive and sup-
portive. Thank you!
We're confident that issue 02 of Tra-
verse will continue where we started
with the first issue, in providing in-
spiring stories of motorcycle travel
and adventure that caters for all levels
of rider and traveller.
We head back to Africa with the
guys from Compass Expeditions as
they take a group from Cairo to Cape
Town. Paris Wolfe rides a road I'd
heard of but knew very little about;
The Blue Ridge Parkway is now on the
list of want to ride roads.
First time riding in another coun-
try can be daunting, Vanda Pacheco
does just that as she climbs aboard a
Vietnamese scooter and explores the
real country, and at the other end of
the scale Brett Hart takes on the dunes
and deserts of Oman, a country often
overlooked as one to explore by bike
or any other means.
And we're back in Australia as Re-
nae Kunda takes us to the tip of Cape
York, a place of creeks and crocodiles,
while I'll take you through the Great
Victoria Desert on part of Australia's
'Longest Shortcut'.
We have some great motorcycle ini-
tiatives taking place too. The Arctic
Rider doing his bit for great causes,
Riders For Health empowering the
people of Africa, and two nutbags on a
scooter sidecar outfit, riding the world
to highlight the horrors of modern day
slavery. All great people with great ad-
Traverse issue 02 will show that ev-
eryone has a story to tell, and adven-
ture can often start very close to home
... if you have a story or would like to
know about something please get in
touch, we would really like to hear
from you ...