TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 11-2015 | Page 12

th≠ng·/fromeditors < 122 D†u x≠a Segovia Last winter, freezing bitter winds brought snow to Sapa, covering the land with its white color. Hardly hard the guesthouse owner informed when I and some of my friends packed our luggage, wore our warmest clothes and went to Sapa. At that time, we only wanted to catch the rare snowflakes in our tropical country. Q u˝ ÆÈc gi∂ th©n m’n, MÔa Æ´ng tr≠Ìc, c¨n gi„ Æ´ng lπnh buËt µo πt mang nh˜ng b´ng tuy’t ræc træng Ɔt trÍi T©y Bæc. Khi anh chÒ nhµ tr‰ tr™n Sapa g‰i v“, t´i cÔng vµi ng≠Íi bπn nhanh ch„ng kho∏c nh˜ng chi’c ∏o †m nh†t, sæp x’p thÀt nhanh hµnh l› rÂi thºng ti’n l™n Sapa. ßi“u duy nh†t chÛng t´i mong muËn lÛc †y lµ bæt cho Æ≠Óc nh˜ng b´ng tuy’t hi’m hoi k◊ di÷u cÒa x¯ nhi÷t ÆÌi. VÌi 5 kŒ l˜ hµnh chÛng t´i, tuy’t Æ©u cn lµ th¯ g◊ xa lπ. ChÛng t´i tıng lπc trong c¨n m≠a tuy’t træng Î Bæc Kinh, lÈi bÔn tuy’t tÌi ÆÊ m∏u mÚi Î khu tr≠Ót tuy’t Hokkaido, hay ngÂi b™n nhau h› hµ h¨i †m l s≠Îi khi ngoµi cˆa sÊ, tuy’t Æang ræc l™n Vienna tıng dng giai Æi÷u Fur Elise. ThÀm ch›, chÛng t´i cn Æ„n Gi∏ng sinh vÌi vang Æ· mi‘n ph› gi˜a s©n bay Charle de Gaulle khi m∏y bay kh´ng th” c†t c∏nh v◊ tuy’t r¨i dµy. Th’ nh≠ng Sapa mµ c„ tuy’t th◊ lπi lµ c©u chuy÷n kh∏c. DÔ bi’t Î x¯ nhi÷t ÆÌi nµy, tuy’t r¨i chºng kh∏c nµo lÍi c∂nh b∏o v“ s˘ thay ÆÊi cÒa kh› hÀu toµn c«u nh≠ng nh˜ng kŒ ≠a x™ dch nh≠ chÛng t´i sao c„ th” chu Î nhµ khi nghe tin †y. ChÛng t´i Æ∑ c„ mÈt trong nh˜ng mÔa Æ´ng Æ∆c bi÷t nh†t ÆÍi m◊nh. Nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn ÆÂng hµnh th©n m’n, mÔa Æ´ng Æ∑ v“ ngay khi chÛng ta Æ≠a tay mÎ trang lch th∏ng mÌi. Hä cˆa Ænh b≠Ìc ra phË, c¨n gi„ lπnh Æ«u mÔa c„ th” khi’n ta khœ rÔng m◊nh mµ trÎ vµo l†y th™m kh®n, th™m ∏o, rÂi b≠Ìc tr™n phË mµ m¨ v“ mÈt vÔng trÍi ¢u tuy’t træng. CÔng lÛc †y, tı ch©u @c xa x´i, nh˜ng c¨n gi„ nhi÷t ÆÌi h◊nh nh≠ cÚng Æang soπn vµi dng tweet mÍi g‰i bπn Æ’n vÌi mÔa Æ´ng Nam b∏n c«u †m ∏p. MÔa Æ´ng nµy, bπn sœ ch‰n cho m◊nh s˘ quen thuÈc cÒa nh˜ng Æi”m Æ’n ph≠¨ng Bæc lπnh gi∏ hay ÆÈc Æ∏o Æ«y thÛ v cÒa nh˜ng mi“n næng †m ph≠¨ng Nam? ßıng ngπi ng«n chia sŒ Æi“u †y vÌi chÛng t´i nhä! ChÛc c∏c bπn mÈt mÔa mÌi an lµnh vµ nh˜ng chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh mÔa Æ´ng Æ∏ng nhÌ. Th©n ∏i Th∂o Nguy‘n Managing Editor 12 TRAVELLIVE Snow is no longer unfamiliar with us who have traveled a lot. We lost in a snow rain in Beijing, saw ourselves get nosebleeds while walking in snow mud at Hokkaido Ski resort. We used to gather in front of fireplace while outside the window, snow was sprinkling the melodies of Fur Elise on Veanna. We even celebrated Christmas right at Charle de Gaulle Airport with free red wine when our flight was delayed because of snow. However, snow in Sapa is a different thing. In this tropical country, snow seems to be a warning of global changes, yet travel lovers like us could not stay at home and miss that special phenomenon. We had one of the most memorable winters in life. Dear our companions, winter comes when you open a new page of the calendar, when you back home to find a warm scarf or a coat because of cold winds, and when you stroll down streets and think of snow-covered lands in western countries. Meanwhile, in Australia, tropical breezes are preparing some tweet lines to invite you to enjoy the warm winter of the southern hemisphere. This winter, will you choose a familiar destination in cold Northern lands or an unique place of sunny Southern countries? Do not hesitate to share with us! Wish you a peaceful new season and memorable winter journeys! 88 > Get ready for your winter journey! 108 > The season of snow in korea 100 > Hallstatt, ng´i lµng say ngÒ gi˜a s≠¨ng kh„i Alps