TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 05-2016 | Page 4

Content > 15/05/2016 DesTinaTion - liFesTYle - inTerview - guiDes & Tips - slow living whaT&where - Fashion - Discover - Traveller ouTFiT - evenT calenDar Bunga Raya Island Resort and Spa, Malaysia TRAVEL 114 > NH~NG L¡N Mô C^a ô PENaNG Penang vÌi t´i lµ nh˜ng l«n mÎ cˆa, Æ” læng nghe c©u chuy÷n x≠a cÚ, ngæm nh˜ng b¯c tranh t≠Íng sinh ÆÈng vµ h›t hµ gi„ bi”n. HEY PENaNG, OPEN SESaME! Penang enchants me whenever I open the world of street art, dive head first into houses’ stories, or just breathe the fresh sea breeze. 124 > MECHELEN, GñI t£N TRçU M⁄N N’u Æ’n Æ©y, bπn sœ kh´ng ph∂i hËi ti’c bÎi vŒ Æãp m™ ho∆c cÒa di s∂n ki’n trÛc vµ l‘ hÈi nhπc cÊ Æi”n di‘n ra hµng n®m. MECHELEN FRIENDLY CItY The city’ss fascinating cultural heritage with its fabulous architecture and the annual classical music festivals surely worths your visit. 4 TRAVELLIVE ISLANDS & ISLAND RESORTS 66 10 ISLaND RESORt “PHÅI tõI” Há 2016 > V tr› h≠Ìng bi”n tuy÷t Æãp, ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, resort tr™n Æ∂o lµ kh´ng gian l≠u trÛ th«n ti™n Æ” Ææm m◊nh gi˜a bi”n n≠Ìc m©y trÍi. 10 ”MUSt-StaY” ISLaND RESORtS IN SUMMER 2016 Boasting a prime seafront location with a unique architectural design, island resorts are the best choices for you to soak in the endless enjoyment of the sea. 86 > KH§NG KHïC ô “HOaNG ßÅO”! Kh´ng Æ´ng ÆÛc kh∏ch du lch vÌi nh˜ng dch vÙ cao c†p, vŒ Æãp vµ s˘ b◊nh y™n cÒa nh˜ng hn Æ∂o hoang s¨ nµy sœ khi’n bπn hoµn toµn th≠ gi∑n. 6 PRIStINE ISLaNDS FOR EXPLORERS These pristine islands which haven’t been spoiled by tourism will mesmerize you with their enchanting beauty and absolute tranquility.