TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 04-2016 | Page 27

Lµ chuÁi nh˜ng dch vÙ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ∆c bi÷t cho c∏c thi™n th«n nh›, V.I.K - “Very Important Kids” xoay quanh vi÷c ch®m s„c vµ phÙc vÙ c∏c bä nhªm giÛp bä y™u h◊nh thµnh vµ ph∏t tri”n t›nh c∏ch, th” hi÷n b∂n l‹nh, s˘ t˘ tin vÌi th’ giÌi xung quanh... As a luxurious set of holiday experiences designed for the under-12s., VIK (or Very Important Kids) focuses on taking kids’ needs, help them to develop personality, express themselves and their confidence to the world. Tı mÔa hà 2016, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh V.I.K ti™u chu»n quËc t’ tπi MGallery by Sofitel La Veranda Resort PhÛ QuËc sœ Æ≠Óc hoµn thi÷n vµ ch›nh th¯c ra mæt. C∏c V.I.K sœ Æ≠Óc chµo Æ„n Æ∆c bi÷t ngay khi vıa b≠Ìc ch©n xuËng s©n bay Æ’n lÛc “check in” tπi resort, th≠Îng th¯c n≠Ìc uËng, b∏nh ng‰t vµ chÙp ∂nh l≠u ni÷m cÔng c∂ gia Æ◊nh. This summer, MGallery by Sofitel La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc will complete and officially launch V.I.K program which promises to meet all international standards. Upon arriving at the airport and the resort, V.I.Ks will be warmly welcomed. They can enjoy free drinks and cookies, as well as take photos with their family. La Veranda resort c„ ÆÒ hoπt ÆÈng phÔ hÓp vÌi c∏c bä tı 6 th∏ng Æ’n 12 tuÊi, gÂm vui ch¨i trong nhµ, ngoµi trÍi, ph∏t tri”n t›nh khäo läo cÔng c∏c dch vÙ th≠ gi∑n, ch®m s„c c¨ th”... Bä c„ th” vui ch¨i tπi khu Kid’s Club vÌi Æ«y æp c∏c loπi Æ ch¨i tr› tu÷ vµ vÀn ÆÈng ho∆c tham gia c∏c lÌp h‰c n†u ®n, lµm b∏nh cÔng c∂ nhµ, giÛp c∏c V.I.K hi”u th™m vi÷c nÈi trÓ cÒa mã. La Veranda Resort offers an array of exciting games and activities for kids of all ages ranging from 6 to 12. Your little children can take part in both indoor and outdoor activities, spa, and health care services. At Kid’s Club, they are free to play intellectual and movement games, join cooking class, or cake-making class with family to learn more about housework. C∂ nhµ c„ th” cÔng tÀp Yoga buÊi sÌm b™n bÍ bi”n vµ tr∂i nghi÷m ch≠¨ng tr◊nh V.I.K Special vÌi c∏c dch vÙ Spa tr‰n g„i, cÔng nhau tÀn h≠Îng kh´ng gian th≠ gi∑n tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng resort sang tr‰ng bÀc nh†t tπi Vi÷t Nam. The whole family can practice yoga on the beach in the early morning and experience V.I.K Special program with inclusive spa services while enjoying relaxing moments at one of the most luxurious resorts in Vietnam. C∏c tr vÀn ÆÈng nh≠ cæm trπi tr™n b∑i bi”n, tr ch¨i nhÀp vai, kh∏m ph∏ thi™n... sœ phÔ hÓp vÌi nh˜ng V.I.K hi’u ÆÈng. CuËi ngµy, Æıng qu™n kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon tπi nhµ hµng The Peppertree phong c∏ch »m th˘c 5 sao cÒa La Veranda. Beach camping, role-play game, nature exploring and other movement activities would be favored by active kids. Don’t forget to end your day with the world of fresh seafood offered by The Peppertree, the La Veranda’s 5-star restaurant. Tı 01/04 - 31/10/2016, vÌi ≠u Æ∑i gi∏ chÿ tı 3.250.000VNß++/Æ™m, bao gÂm c∂ g„i dch vÙ V.I.K theo chu»n resort 5 sao quËc t’, mÔa hà La Veranda sœ lµ k˚ ni÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ cho c∂ gia Æ◊nh. From April 1st to October 31th, with attractive room rates starting at VND3,250,000++/ night including La Veranda’s 5-star V.I.K program, your family’s summer vacation will be much more meaningful and memorable! (LA VERANDA RESORT PHU QUOC * Tran Hung Dao, Ward. 7, Duong Dong, Phu Quoc Tel: 0773 982 988 * Email: [email protected] * Web: http: TRAVELLIVE 27