TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 04-2016 | Page 12

TH¶ TOÄ SOÑN Istanbul, the first days of spring... I’m warming myself in the sun on a cafä’s balcony in the Old Town. In the stunning sunbeams, the old oak trees give their morning greeting to the stone road as their red-brown leaves gently fall. The Old Town is still halfasleep. Sunlight visits each street, dancing happily on passers-by’s shoulders, making the atmosphere more intimate to travelers. Istanbul, nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u xu©n... T´i Æang ngÂi s≠Îi næng tr™n ban c´ng mÈt qu∏n cµ ph™ khu Old Town. Trong ∏nh næng b◊nh minh, hµng sÂi giµ gˆi lÍi chµo tÌi m∆t Æ≠Íng l∏t Æ∏ bªng c∏i chao m◊nh nhã b…ng cÒa vµi ÆÓt l∏ Æ∑ chuy”n mµu n©u Æ·. Old Town trÎ m◊nh ng∏i ngÒ. Næng xi™n tıng con phË, phÒ l†p l∏nh l™n vai ∏o ng≠Íi Æi Æ≠Íng khi’n kh´ng gian trÎ n™n g«n gÚi h¨n vÌi nh˜ng kŒ l˜ hµnh. TÌi Istanbul, t´i bÁng d≠ng th†y m◊nh nh≠ mÈt kŒ l®ng nh®ng. M‰i th¯ Æ“u d‘ dµng khi’n t´i xi™u lng, tı nh˜ng vi™n lokum ng‰t lm tÌi v chua du cÒa c©y kem Ëc qu’ phÒ Æ∏ bµo m∏t lπnh, tı nh˜ng m∏i vm lÈng l…y cÒa hµng chÙc, hµng tr®m cung Æi÷n, th∏nh Æ≠Íng trong thµnh phË tÌi nh˜ng ´ cˆa sÊ vÌi thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o, tı Æ´i mæt e dà cÒa nh˜ng c´ g∏i HÂi gi∏o cho tÌi hµng loπt pano, ∏p ph›ch Besiktas - ÆÈi b„ng huy“n thoπi cÒa thµnh phË... Th’ nh≠ng, c¨n c∂m næng th˘c s˘ cÒa t´i ph∂i lµ vnh Bosphorus. T´i Æ∑ y™u Bosphorus ngay tı l«n Æ«u ti™n ngæm m∂nh trÍi n¨i lÚ h∂i ©u t˘ do Æang m∂i mi’t Æan nh˜ng sÓi d©y v´ h◊nh nËi hai bÍ ¢u - É. Mµu n≠Ìc bi”n xanh ngæt ph∂n chi’u n“n trÍi trong veo khi’n t´i c∂m th†y lng m◊nh nhã nh‚m vµ b◊nh an. T´i Æ∑ th∂ xuËng dng n≠Ìc xanh ngæt cÒa Bosphorus nh˜ng ÆÂng xu Lira cuËi cÔng trong tÛi, kh´ng Æ” c«u mong phäp mµu, chÿ muËn nhÍ bi”n gi˜ giÛp m◊nh mÈt m∂nh ghäp k˝ ¯c. Vµ bi’t Æ©u, bªng mÈt c∏ch th«n k˙ nµo Æ„, c„ th” chÛng sœ tr´i theo h∂i l≠u Æ” b†t chÓt mÈt ngµy t´i sœ nh∆t lπi Æ≠Óc, hay v´ t◊nh lπc vµo tay mÈt cÀu bä Æang nghch c∏t tr™n bÍ bi”n næng vµng nµo Æ„... Ngµy mai, t´i sœ chπy qua Grand Bazzar mua m†y t†m b≠u thi’p, vi’t Æ´i dng, mang hong næng cπnh mÈt th∏nh Æ≠Íng rÂi gˆi tÌi tÌi mÈt vµi ng≠Íi bπn. Hi v‰ng c„ th” truy“n c∂m h¯ng vµ t◊nh y™u tÌi h‰ Æ” sœ c„ nhi“u h¨n nh˜ng v kh∏ch nh≠ t´i Æ’n vÌi x¯ sÎ nµy. Uhm... c∂ c∏c bπn n˜a nhä! Th∂o Nguy‘n Managing Editor 12 TRAVELLIVE ThÊ Nh‹ K˙ lµ n¨i chæp c∏nh cho nh˜ng ni“m c∂m h¯ng b†t tÀn. H∑y Æ’n vµ tr∂i nghi÷m. Turkey is an endless inspiration. Come and experience this mythical land. I feel more amorous in Istanbul. I’m enchanted by everything, from sweet lokum to the light sour ice-cream with ground ice on top, from the gorgeous domes of hundreds of mosques and palaces to their uniquely designed windows, and from the discreet eyes of Muslim girls to the multitude of boards and posters with the images of the city’s legendary football team. I have fallen in love with Bosphorus Bay since the first time seeing the seagulls hovering in the open sky, creating invisible strings that connect Asia and Europe. The blue sky is reflected on the deep blue sea, giving me tranquility. I drop my last Lira into the water of the Bosphorus, in hopes that they will preserve my memories here. And somehow, the water currents might bring them somewhere else to be found by me again, or might be stumbled upon by a boy who is playing with sand on a sunny beach. Tomorrow, I will go to Grand Bazzar, buy some postcards, and write something to leave beneath the sun near a mosque before sending them to my friends, hoping that they will be inspired to visit this land. Uhm... will you come here?