TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 02-2016 | Page 4

Content > 15/02/2016 DESTINATION - LIFESTYLE - PHOTO TRAVEL - COMMUNITY - SLOW LIVING WHAT&WHERE - FASHION - DISCOVER - TRAVELLER OUTFIT - EVENT CALENDAR Fusion Resort Nha Trang Bars Pubs & Res 24 > LIQUID SKY BAR ßi”m Æ’n †n t≠Óng gi˜a nhp sËng s´i ÆÈng v“ Æ™m cÒa thµnh phË A tranquil escape by day and a trendy venue for effervescent night parties 26 > DALUVA RESTAURANT & BAR M´ h◊nh nhµ hµng k’t hÓp qu∏n bar theo phong c∏ch Trung ß´ng A Middle-Eastern gastropub located along the beautiful bank of West Lake  TRAVELLIVE Community 120 GI~A HOANG DÇ PHI CH¢U > Ch©u Phi vÌi nh˜ng vÔng rıng vµ sa mπc t˘ nhi™n hoang d∑ lµ n¨i thÀt s˘ di‘n ra nh˜ng cuÈc chi’n sinh tÂn trong th’ giÌi ÆÈng vÀt. IN THE MIDDLE OF WILD AFRICA Only Africa has large enough wildlife reserves where the life-and-death struggles between species can take place in such magnitude. Lifestyle 112 QUÉN CÄ PH£ “CHU¬N ELISE” > ßÛng vÀy, Le Pavillon des Canaux lu´n Æ≠a ra nhi“u h¨n mÈt l› do cho m‰i ng≠Íi tÌi lui vµ trÎ lπi. A FAVORITE CAFE IN ELISE’S STYLE Le Pavillon des Canaux gives you countless reasons to come back again and again.