TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 02-2016 | Page 12

50 Vango therapy I have a three-year old daughter. To teach her basic science knowledge, I always play some interesting games with her. One of her most favorite games is “raining ice cube”. We put an ice cube above a glass of slightly hot water. Some seconds later, tiny water droplets fall down like a lovely “rain”. February comes, a new season greets us with drizzling rain whose tiny droplets dampen our hair and shoulders, running down our windows and blurring the world across the pane. Once my daughter woke up early in the morning, pressed her face against the glass pensively, and asked me “Mommy Mommy, there are some ice cubes on our roof, right? Our house is warmer so it rains like this, huh?” T´i c„ mÈt c´ con g∏i 3 tuÊi. ß” dπy bä nh˜ng ki’n th¯c khoa h‰c c¨ b∂n, t´i vµ con th≠Íng cÔng nhau bµy nh˜ng tr ch¨i nho nh·. MÈt trong nh˜ng tr ch¨i bä th›ch nh†t lµ b· vµi vi™n Æ∏ vµo chi’c Æ‹a nh· rÂi Æ∆t l™n tr™n mi÷ng chi’c cËc thÒy tinh Æ∑ Æ≠Óc r„t chÛt n≠Ìc n„ng b™n d≠Ìi. L∏t sau, “c¨n m≠a” t› hon sœ xu†t hi÷n bÎi nh˜ng hπt n≠Ìc rÌt xuËng tı vi™n Æ∏. Children are always so simple. In their little eyes, everything is warm and sweet while we adults struggle with work and busy ourselves with worries and even sadness. Th∏ng 2, mÔa mÌi v“. MÔa v…y tay chµo bªng nh˜ng c¨n m≠a bÙi ræc l™n t„c, l™n vai ∏o ng≠Íi Æi Æ≠Íng, m≠a va vµo cˆa k›nh rÂi tr´i tıng gi‰t xi™n ngoµi cˆa sÊ. MÈt s∏ng th¯c dÀy, bä con ∏p m∆t vµo cˆa sÊ Æ«y h¨i n≠Ìc vµ h·i: “Tr™n m∏i nhµ cÚng c„ nh˜ng vi™n Æ∏ ph∂i kh´ng mã? D≠Ìi nµy †m h¨n n™n m≠a r¨i xuËng mã nhÿ.” Th◊ ra lÚ trŒ lu´n vÀy, m‰i th¯ †m ∏p vµ d‘ th≠¨ng trong mæt bä. Ng≠Íi lÌn c¯ bÀn rÈn trong nh˜ng suy ngh‹ cÒa m◊nh, m∂i m™ cºn nhªn nh˜ng Æi“u ©u lo. C©u h·i cÒa bä con Æ∏nh th¯c t´i kh·i nh˜ng phi“n muÈn Æ„. Bä nhæc t´i rªng hµnh tr◊nh chÛng ta Æang Æi cn c„ r†t nhi“u ni“m vui vµ nh˜ng Æi“u mÌi lπ thÛ v. B· qua nh˜ng Ænh ki’n, mÎ lng vµ Æ„n nhÀn m‰i th¯ nh≠ l«n Æ«u ti™n sœ khi’n cuÈc sËng ngÀp Æ«y hπnh phÛc. Khi †y, nh˜ng gi‰t m≠a th∏ng Hai, nh˜ng gi‰t m≠a cÒa mÔa mÌi cÚng ch›nh lµ nh˜ng gi‰t hπnh phÛc trong veo Æang h∏t ca ngoµi cˆa sÊ hay tr™n vai ∏o. Cn bπn, bπn Æ∑ t◊m Æ≠Óc “gi‰t hπnh phÛc” cÒa m◊nh trong th∏ng Hai nµy vÌi nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh mÌi rÂi ch¯? ßıng qu™n chia sŒ vÌi Travellive nhä. ChÛc bπn mÔa mÌi trong veo vµ Æong Æ«y hπnh phÛc! My daughter’s question has awakened me, reminding me that there is lots of joy and excitement in our life. We just need to open our heart to welcome all things as if they are coming to us for the first time and our lives will be much more beautiful. At that time, the droplets of February will be drops of joy singing outside our windows or dancing on our shoulders. Have you found your own “drops of joy” with your new journeys this February? Do not forget to share with us! We wish you a warm February full of happiness! 83 > Flavorsome Phu Yen cuisine 120 > In the middle of wind Africa Th∂o Nguy‘n Managing Editor 12 TRAVELLIVE