TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 01-2016 | Page 31

15/01/2016 D–COR 96 > LÄM MõI NHÄ ßïN T⁄T Xu h≠Ìng decor 2016 tÀp trung vµo Æ∆c t›nh nÈi th†t vµ vÀt dÙng trang tr›, nÊi bÀt tr™n gam mµu pantone. NEW HOUSE FOR NEW YEAR The new trend for decorating house focuses on characteristics of the interior and decorations highlighted in pantone colors. FASHION 48 > You are pampered by the nature, refilling your energy to start a new year in the resort. 100 > 85 > TET - NOT JUST ABOUT BEAUTY Let’s see how a Spanish expat talks about Vietnamese Lunar New Year H¶•NG HOA MùI LÉ TRONG B⁄P VIåT Ngoµi t´ Æi”m kh´ng gian sËng, hoa l∏ cn lµ nguÂn nguy™n li÷u tuy÷t vÍi Æ” s∏ng tπo nh˜ng m„n ®n ÆÈc Æ∏o. FLOWERS AND LEAVES IN VIETNAMESE CUISINE Apart from being used as decorations, leaves and flowers are great ingredients to create signature dishes. 116 WHAT’S ON 46 > HIMALAYAS, VITALITY ON “THE ROOF OF THE WORLD" Himalayas have inspired many films and photos thanks to their mysterious beauty of the majestic nature. HíA NHÑC JAZZ TIMO VOLLBRECHT BuÊi bi”u di‘n nªm trong khu´n khÊ chuy’n l≠u di‘n ß´ng Nam É cÒa Timo Vollbrecht vµ Fly magic. The concert is a part of Timo Vollbrecht and Fly magic’s Southeast Asia tour. PROMOTIONS 136 >  TRAVELLIVE Editor-in-chief NHÄ XUƒT BÅN TH⁄ GIõI CHëU TRÉCH NHIåM XUƒT BÅN Tr«n ßoµn L©m Editors BI£N TÜP Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng Th∂o Nguy‘n BI£N DëCH ß∆ng ThÔy Linh Consultant of english Cˇ VƒN TI⁄NG ANH Apollo Vi÷t Nam Graphic director GIÉM ߡC M≤ THUÜT Long Le Graphic design THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT Hπnh Mai Advertising QUÅNG CÉO Hotline: 098 924 6411 Email: [email protected] PHOTO TRAVEL HIMALAYA, S`C SˇNG N•I “NïC NHÄ TH⁄ GIõI” > Himalaya lµ nguÂn c∂m h¯ng cÒa r†t nhi“u bÈ phim, b¯c ∂nh... bÎi vŒ Æãp huy“n b› vµ hÔng v‹ cÒa thi™n nhi™n Th’ giÌi publishers English editor F&W CULTURE T⁄T KH§NG CHé ß—P ô B£N NGOÄI C∏i nh◊n cÒa mÈt ng≠Íi T©y Ban Nha v“ nät ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa T’t Vi÷t. OASIS OF TROPICAL WINDS ß„ lµ n¨i ta c„ th” Ææm m◊nh xong s˘ vÁ v“ cÒa bi”n trÍi vµ nπp n®ng l≠Óng cho n®m mÌi Æang tÌi. ELITE VINCOM THÅO ßI≈N Nh©n dp khai tr≠¨ng, 300 hÈi vi™n Æ«u ti™n sœ nhÀn Æ≠Óc ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t v“ gi∏. On the opening, the first 300 members will receive special offers on prices. Head office TíA SOÑN [email protected] T«ng 3, 59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Q.Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi Tel: (84-4) 3936 8349 - Fax: (84-4) 3936 8350 Hcmc office V°N PHíNG TP.HCM T«ng 2, 142 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM Tel: 08 3930 9641- Fax: 08 3930 9642 Website: Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 24/GP-XBßS In xong nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng 01 n®m 2016 In tπi c´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN COVER PAGE Model: Anna Vasileva Photographer: Thai Pham M.U.A: Trang Nguyen Costume & accessories: Kenzo Trang Tien Plaza, Wephobia Studio Location: Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort & Golf µ  ßÖT BÉO ONLINE VUI LíNG TRUY CÜP ßëA CHé FOR ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION, PLEASE VISIT: