TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 01-2016 | Page 12
taken by photographer Rehahn
On these first days of New Year 2016,
cheerful melodies of Tet have been played
everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar
New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs
have their own power to call back my
memories as if I was just a child happily
singing the songs with my friends day by
day when Tet was coming to town.
When I was studying at university, I had
two Tet each year, one for patients and the
old in social protection centers and one for
my family. 15 years ago, my friends and I
celebrated Lunar New Year with the old in
a nursing home. On receiving our
banh chung, an old woman hold
my hands tightly, crying and
telling me about her family,
the time she was far away
from home and uncompleted
Tet seasons she had. That was
the first time after years she had a
Tet which was as warm as she wished with
the happiness of being remembered as she
considered us her grandchildren.
“T’t, T’t, T’t, T’t Æ’n rÂi! T’t, T’t, T’t Æ’n rÂi!
Mıng T’t Æ’n vµ lÈc Æ’n nhµ nhµ...”
Nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u n®m mÌi D≠¨ng lch, tr™n Æ≠Íng
tÌi v®n phng mÁi s∏ng, t´i lπi nghe th†y giai Æi÷u
quen thuÈc cÒa T’t rÈn rµng khæp n¨i. Nh˜ng lÍi
ca v“ T’t nh≠ gÓi lπi k˝ ¯c thuÎ bä, mÁi khi T’t v“
lÚ trŒ trong ng‚ lπi ngh™u ngao h∏t ngµy nµy qua
ngµy kh∏c.
ThÍi Æπi h‰c, n®m nµo t´i cÚng c„ 2 dp T’t, mÈt vÌi nh˜ng b÷nh nh©n vµ
ng≠Íi neo ƨn tπi c∏c trung t©m b∂o trÓ x∑ hÈi, mÈt vÌi gia Æ◊nh. 15 n®m
tr≠Ìc, chÛng t´i c„ dp Æ’n t∆ng b∏nh ch≠ng vµ quµ T’t cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi cao
tuÊi Î mÈt vi÷n d≠Ïng l∑o. MÈt cÙ bµ sau khi nhÀn chi’c b∏nh ch≠ng Æ∑ næm
tay t´i r†t ch∆t, n≠Ìc mæt r≠ng r≠ng rÂi k” v“ qu∑ng thÍi gian xa gia Æ◊nh, xa
con c∏i - nh˜ng ngµy T’t ch≠a tr‰n vãn trong nhi“u n®m cuÈc ÆÍi. H„a ra,
Æ„ lµ l«n Æ«u ti™n bµ Æ≠Óc sËng mÈt c∏i T’t †m ∏p vµ ÆÒ Æ«y vÌi s˘ th®m h·i
vµ quµ b∏nh nhi“u Æ’n vÀy tı nh˜ng bπn trŒ Î tuÊi con, ch∏u m◊nh.
15 n®m sau, dÔ cuÈc sËng nhi“u thay ÆÊi, c´ng vi÷c bÀn rÈn, nh˜ng ÆÓt c´ng
t∏c vµ nh˜ng chuy’n du lch dµi ngµy khi’n m‰i th¯ tr´i Æi vÈi v∑, T’t v…n
lu´n lµ kho∂ng thÍi gian t´i muËn m◊nh b≠Ìc chÀm lπi Æ” c∂m nhÀn tr‰n vãn
nh˜ng y™u th≠¨ng gia Æ◊nh vµ læng lng trong k˚ ni÷m v“ nh˜ng c∏i T’t Æ∑
qua. T’t ch≠a bao giÍ m†t Æi ˝ ngh‹a cÒa n„, c„ kh∏c ch®ng lµ n®m nay vÌi
k˙ nghÿ dµi, c∂ gia Æ◊nh t´i sœ c„ c¨ hÈi cÔng Æi du lch Æ©u Æ„, Æ∆t ch©n l™n
nh˜ng mi“n Ɔt mÌi nh≠ ni“m hπnh phÛc Æ«u n®m.
Tr≠Ìc th“m xu©n mÌi, ÆÈi ngÚ Travellive tr©n tr‰ng gˆi lÍi c∂m ¨n Æ’n
qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂, kh∏ch hµng Æ∑ Òng hÈ vµ ÆÂng hµnh cÔng chÛng t´i suËt
mÈt n®m qua.
15 years later, my life has changed a lot
with work, long business trips and holidays.
However, Tet is always the time I want
to slow down. It’s the time for family’s
happiness and for great memories. Going
shopping at Tet markets, making banh
chung, cooking delicious dishes,
and decorating the peach
tree all together help me
enjoy Tet. The meanings
of Tet never change, yet
with more days off, I and
my husband will bring our
children to somewhere new,
then name that new place the
first joy of the year.
On this occasion, Travellive Magazine
would like to express our gratitude to
our readers for supporting us through the
Wish you and your family a happy and
lucky year!
K›nh chÛc qu˝ v vµ gia Æ◊nh mÈt n®m mÌi an khang, hπnh phÛc!
56 > Spring journey to
ß∆ng ThÔy Linh
English Editor
Phu Quoc Island - the new
“Monaco” of Vietnam