Traveller May 2014 | страница 11

Today on our Daily Interview we have a very special guest, Rustichello Pisa from Pisa. He is the actual "writer" of the Travels of Marco Polo, and perhaps one of Marco's best friends.

Traveller(T): Hello Rustichello, please take a seat

Rustichello(R): Thank You

(sits down)

T: So, how did you meet Marco Polo?

R: We were at a prison together, when he noticed me and asked if I may write a book about his travels.

T: Did you know him beforehand?

R: Yes, we had meet before.

T: So how did you two write the book

R: Marco talked about his travels, and I listened and wrote them down

T: Do you feel you had an impact on Marco's life?

R: Well, it's hard to say. We did bond of course, through the talking he did and me writing, but he always seemed a bit distant. However, I would say I was a person of infulence in his life, if even just a bit

T: How did you end up in Prison?

R: I was in a battle between Genova and Pisa, and was caught. Marco arrived a couple years after me

T: Did you belive that what Marco Polo said at the time was true?

R: It sounded very strange, however, he

described them so well and with such realism that I do belive what he said was true.

T: Do you know what happened to the orginal book?

R: It appears he took it with him

T: The book is a massive hit with Europe right now.

R: That's good, I never thought I'd became famous, even if people thought Marco wrote it.

T: Well then, It looks like we have to wrap it up. Thanks for meeting you Rustichello, and good luck with your writing.

R: It's been a pleasure to be here.