Traveling [ T r a v e l e r s F r e e d o m ] Traveling: Traveler's Freedom | Page 3

myMagazine/January, 2012 03

explore! Our time here on earth is only so short. Use it up. Whether you're an immigrant, or not. Adventure is out there calling; & as you follow along with me into this magazine and its journey, you will find out about amazingly beautiful places around the world, delicious foods, & much more. Together we'll take a journey around the globe, and as for immigrants, we'll discuss places where adventure awaits for you too. So dont wait any longer, dive into what's waiting for you!!

Itzel Rios

"Life's not a parking lot".

- Itzel Rios

Itzel Rios

[Right to left] BJ, Itzel Rios, Monica P & Stephanie L.