Traveling [ T r a v e l e r s F r e e d o m ] Traveling: Traveler's Freedom | Page 13

T h e g r e a t

t h r e e

myMagazine/January, 2012 13

place being Hawaii, as you can probably tell by the coconuts. I know that while at Hawaii not only are you introduced into the tropicals they eat, but you as well are exposed to its clear water beauties and one day are the typical three places i've always wanted to go to, and that's why I decided to name this piece "The Great Three". put the Nachos in the middle because since I have been there, Nachos are a daily part of my diet.

Created by: Itzel Rios

This is a painting I was inspired to make not only because I'd like to eat each one of those three,but because those are three places I'd like to one day visit. The first

adventuring :

our world

myMagazine/January, 2012 13