Traveling Angler 2018 TA_2018 | Page 57

Giant Trevally: Meanest, hardest fighting fish you could ever hope to tangle with on a 12-weight. By Brian Gies Apex Predator H AD SWEDISH NATURALIST PETER FORSSKAL had the good fortune of being an experienced saltwater fly angler, he likely would have chuckled at the clever double meaning of his standing taxonom- ical identification of the first Giant Trevally, Caranx Ignobilis. The year was 1775 in the Red Sea between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and while the Caranx genus of trev- ally was obvious to him, the rest of the package was so mysterious and foreign he named the species Ignobilis to denote its “obscure and unknown” attributes. The humor in this today is that the current definition of ignoble typically reads “not honorable in character or purpose, degenerate, mean or savage.” traveling angler 55