14 Photo Essay
Located on Russia’s Kola Peninsula, the Yokan-
ga River is one of the last great places to fish
for Atlantic salmon where 20-pound salmon
rise to the dry fly and 15-pound Atlantics are
an everyday occurrence.
18 Bush Pilots & Float Planes
With a long history dating back to the 20s,
bush pilots have helped fishermen explore
some of Alaska’s most unheralded and coveted
26 Itinerary
We educate you on a variety of fronts includ-
ing how to illegally, err legally, travel and fish
in Cuba, as well as what to ask before you book
your fishing trip. Not to mention what you
should pack, and how to pack. Among other
tips, we teach you how to land a floatplane
should your pilot becomes incapacitated. Sort
of, not really.
38 Gear Review:
Wading Jackets
Scrimp now on your next wading jacket and
you’ll be sorry. Take our advice and buy the
best wading jacket you can afford and it’ll pay
dividends for years to come.
42 Turneffe Atoll
There’s a lot to see when you fish Belize’s
Turneffe Atoll. Read Jim Klug’s excerpt from
his newly published book, “Fly Fishing Belize”
and you’ll understand what Seeing is Belizing
is all about.
british columbia
46 Best of BC Salmon
We teach you to do British Columbia salmon
the right way. And knowing what to expect,
where, when and why to fish for B.C. salmon
will pay off when planning your next fishing
60 Kenai River
Alaska’s Kenai River is world-famous for
salmon fishing, but more and more people
are spending the fall days on the middle Kenai
chasing trophy rainbow trout. We explain the
attraction in words and pictures.
68 Yakutat’s Silver Lining
With the Situk, Lost and Italio rivers all a short
flight from each other, Southeast Alaska’s Ya-
kutat Peninsula reigns supreme in Fishtopia.