Traveling Angler 2011 TA_2013_1 | 页面 22

KICK ASS FISHING TRIPS ATLANTIC SALMON NORTHERN PIKE Kharlovka River, Norway Yukon River, Alaska TARPON Isla Holbox, Mexico ROOSTER FISH East Cape, Mexico 10 PERMIT Turneffe Flats, Belize BILLFISH Iztapa, Guatemala Species You Should Fish For Before You Die Common denominator: They fight back, are aggressive and get airborne! Everyone has a bucket list of some sort, and we’re no different. We’ve seen enough photos, read countless articles, watched too many videos, and talked with a lot of people to know that there are fish and then there are fish to catch. We’ve come up with a list of 10 species of fish you should put on your list to catch before you die. What we like about this list is that these fish are bad-asses: they fight, they’re aggres- sive and they’ll get airborne in an attempt to spit the hook. What’s not to like? — THE EDITORS 20 SEA-RUN BROWNS GOLDEN DORADO Rio Grande River, Tierra del Fuego Amazon’s Secure River, Bolivia ATLANTIC SALMON Aggressive to the fly and as acrobatic a fish as you’ll find anywhere, Atlantic salmon are some of the most prized gamefish you’ll ever pursue. Ever. Hook- ing 30-pound salmon is not out of the question. Whether you land it is another story. BEST TRIP TO TAKE Few places can boast bigger fish, and bigger numbers of bigger fish, than the Kharlovka River in Norway. NORTHERN PIKE Northern pike might be the nastiest trash fish (only because they can be caught through the ice) known to man, but they are also a kick in the pants to catch. They lurk in the shal- lows and wait for an unsus- pecting meal, which if you play your cards right will be your fly. They’re somewhat of a disappointment once they’re hooked, but the pursuit and the very nature of their per- sonality makes them an easy choice. BEST TRIP TO TAKE The Alaska state record came from the Innok River, but you’ll find bet- ter, more consistent fishing for bigger fish in the Yukon River in Alaska.