Traveler Magazine Andrew Harper Traveler Summer 2019 | Page 40

38 JOE SANDILLO ALMAZ JOURNEYS M E E T O U R PA R T N E R S Almaz Journeys is a luxury travel agency and tour operator that specializes in unforgettable excursions in Latin America. These customized private journeys give travelers an insider’s view of the cultural landscapes and natural beauty of destinations such as Colombia and Peru. Founder Joe Sandillo, who first fell in love with Latin America on his study abroad travels to the region, shares the benefits of traveling with Almaz Journeys. HOW DID ALMAZ J O U R N E YS B EG I N ? JS: I started working in the travel business 20 years ago with Exeter International, specializing in Eastern Europe, but I’ve always been in love with Latin America. Growing up in Tampa, the huge Cuban community sparked my interest initially. Then as an undergraduate, I majored in Spanish and Portuguese and traveled to Brazil and Latin America. As the sales director for Exeter my focus was Russia and Eastern Europe, but I wanted to devote myself exclusively to Latin America. The founder of Exeter and I began Almaz Journeys together, to bring Americans to this part of the world that I really love and show them why I love it. W H AT W A S I T A B O U T L AT I N A M E R I C A T H AT A P P E A L E D TO YO U S O M U C H W H E N YO U F I R ST T R AV E L E D T H E R E ? JS: There’s a real feeling of the region being alive. There’s a vitality and energy that I haven’t felt other places in the world. Europe SUMMER | 2019 C O N TACT YO U R T R AV E L A DV I S O R TO DAY is beautiful, but it never lit a fire in me the way Latin America did. These are countries that have a tremendous amount of history, but because of what’s happened with colonialism, they’re still finding their way, and that makes for a really interesting travel experience. Part of the reason we travel is to see things that are different from our lives, and Latin America offers a really good mix of being both challenging and enjoyable. You’ve got everything from rainforest to desert to jungle to mountainous regions to coasts and beaches; it’s got everything. W H AT D O Y O U O F F E R IN TERMS OF CUSTOM ITINERARIES? JS: We specialize in custom private travel, so everything from families or couples to large private groups. I’ve had families of 30 people on a cruise ship who wanted a private shore excursion everywhere they went. The itineraries are culturally focused, but because Latin America offers so much in terms of natural beauty as well, there’s always a good nature element.