Travel2Colombia Vol.1 | 页面 20

Santa Fe de Antioquia Town Square In the opposite direction, about two hours west of Medellin is the town of Santa Fe de Antioquia. The town square and side streets are so picturesque—just wander and enjoy. We found an outdoor café, chatted up one of the local kids, and observed the hustle and bustle of town life. Afterward we hired a taxi to visit the Puente de Occidente, a suspension bridge over the Cauca River—one of the oldest in South America. You can walk over the bridge (watch out for missing planks), under the bridge, and even above the bridge! Courtyard in a former convent, now a hotel Loading up the trucks and local buses on Friday afternoon for the trip to Medellin La Puente de Occidente-one of the longest suspension bridges in South America