Baggage-Fee Secret
If you’re worried about excess baggage charges, why
not wear your extra items instead of cramming them
into your case? A luggage jacket combined with a good
hand-luggage bag will get you the absolute maximum
amount of luggage on a plane, without having to pay any
check-in costs. Source: Skyscanner
Budget Travel
Get a travel credit card that has no fees on foreign
transactions or ATM, as they add up. You can
pre-load your travel card before you leave so you
can’t overspend nor does anyone have your bank
details if they’re stolen. Use apps such as Kayak
to guide you on budgets for different countries.
TripBudget, TrailWallet and Travel Budget can
help you create a custom budget and track your
expenses. These apps can be used even if you
don’t have Internet and can’t check your bank
account frequently. Source: Quora
Eye-Care Secret
Staying up late, long journeys and over-indulging in food
and drinks can leave your eyes with a hangover. Lie
down and place cold cotton balls or a chilled gel eyemask over closed eyes for 10 minutes. To get ready for
the morning after a big night, soak cotton balls in water,
flatten them with your fingers, and keep them in the
freezer on wax paper until needed. But avoid drops that
claim to take the red out; they work in the short term
by contracting blood vessels but can backfire later on,
making eyes redder than ever. Source: Real Simple.
26 Travel Secrets September-October 2015
Suede Shoe Secret
Enjoy your suede boots and brogues during
autumn, but hide them away during snow and
rain. No matter how resilient this material is, it does
need protection from the elements.
Source: Travel Fashion Girl