Travel Now! Magazine BEATS DRIVING | Page 38

96. Too many freaks… not enough circuses There are are so many festivals this could be applied to and even just life in general. You’ll know this if you live in L.A along with other US cities. According to Travel and Leisure long considered home of the San Francisco, home of the Odd-ball ranks below the top ranking quriky cities to which New Orleans is bestowed that title. Fair enough. 95. Adults are just kids who owe money Yep, been there. In fact, I’m still there. No matter how many good ideas you have and who your friends happen to be, that student debt just hangs around like a bad smell 82. Time is a great healer, but a lousy beautician There’s that moment in every young man’s life where, after a three day adventure you emerge on a monday morning pondering the great weekend you had and it shows. It’s only after that strange look the normally cute-and-chatty barista whom you get you fix from gives you that look, you realise that you should have gone for the Nescafe that day. 80. Give me coffee and no one will get hurt Please read entry 82 76. I’m out of bed and dressed… what more do you want? Don’t worry, we feel your pain. Your boss probably spent the weekend doing crunches at the gym followed by dubious amounts of green magma followed by 6 hours of mind-boggling body contortions on a yoga mat while you were still giving hugs and contemplating the universe. And now you’re expected to actually do something constructive. The nerve! 68. A journey of a thousand miles begins at an ATM/Cash machine Now is the summer of our discontent. It’s my summation that these words were first spoken by Mr Shakespeare upon checking the balance of his leather pouch mid-way through what would have been the Glastonbury of his day. 66. I started out with nothing… I still have most of it This will hit home with many readers particularly with those that just finished college/university. Upon receing your tax return you discover your income exactly matched your outgoings. But at least Facebook is free. 63. It’s lonely at the top, but you eat better You studied, you partied, you graduated, partied some more and now it’s time to get serious with your career. It’s a shame your buddies never had that epiphany as they’re still living the hedonistic life, turning up at your house at the end of each month because they know you have a monthly paycheck. 54. Hard work has a future payoff… laziness pays off now. If you relate to this then you are most likely to be one of the ‘Buddies’ from #63 47. Ambivalent? Well yes and no Hmmm, should I take that role and Goldman Sachs or invest in the Taco fusion food truck like my buddies suggested. What a conundrum! 03. Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself. ‘Nuff said.