Travel Magazine by White City Russia!Mount Elbrus | Page 2

WHY SHOULD YOU GO? Russia is a country with the ancient history and culture. Being the largest state in the world, Russia has become the home country for numerous ethnic groups with different religious 01 and cultural traditions. Locating at the junction MINERALNYE VODY AS THE ENTRANCE GATE TO CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS of Europe and Asia, Russia is a unique place that will not leave anyone indifferent. 03 02 NARZAN VALLEY AS THE PURE CHEGET MOUNTAIN (2270 M) MINERAL WATER SPRING The format of the trip assumes that you, with the 05 04 help of our guides, follow PASTUKHOV ROCKS (4100 M) TERSKOL ASTRONOMICAL reality. This route was OBSERVATORY (3127 M) designed specifically for the route suggested by us, while creating your own you, but despite this, you can always get a little "lost" by turning to a nearby lane and slightly changing 06 your plans. HIGHEST PICK OF EUROPE - MOUNTAIN ELBRUS (5642 M) inside TALK TO US +97226562444 +972545730679 [email protected]