the house. where it was gone over and later donated to a charity.
It wasn't until about day three that the work site was accessible. As soon as it was entered, it became clear that this town was very poor. The crew was put to work immediately doing chores like lugging water buckets up and down the hill, hand mixing cement with shovels, shoveling sand, and more. All were vigerous and time consuming. The crew ended up building a total two walls which finished the school room as well as asaspoured t
poured the cement floor. It took a lot of effort to get to the point they did. Children from the town ran over and greeted them everytime they say the van pull down the road. It was a heartwarming scene to all.
The trip home was a relieving one. All were happy to be in America again and had their fill of the DR. Beds and air conditioning were deeply missed. This trip was inspirational and will forever leave an impact on those students' hearts.